Where have I been and what have I been doing??

Hi everyone! I know quite a lot of you have been wondering where I am and why I haven’t written in a long time. I have not forgotten about you, or writing this blog! However, many crazy things have happened in the last few weeks that have completely derailed me from my original course. I will naturally be writing about all these things in upcoming posts, but in the last couple of days I have simply been trying to catch up on my work, my coaching certification course, my marketing course and just keeping my life from careening to a halt and having to give up this adventure altogether. As a result, I have not been able to devote the time I wanted to writing this blog. Nevertheless, I will be telling you all these stories in the very near future – praying that nothing else comes up to get in the way!

So please bear with me. I know you’re out there and I have missed writing these stories. Trust me… they will be worth the wait. 😉

Stay tuned!


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4 Responses

  1. I’m glad you’re doing okay. Life has a way of throwing curve balls just when we think we have everything all planned out. I’m so sorry about your niece’s death. It was good that you were able to drive to Texas to be with your brother and his family. Harmony Project starts back up on February 2nd. You will be missed. Can’t wait to hear more stories!

  2. Hey there chicka!!! Am so sorry to hear about the death in your family. Just take one day at a time because that’s all we’re given! Love you girlie and keep on RVing! Gonna miss my alto to the right!


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