
50,000 words in a month!

So I haven’t written in a long time, but there’s a good reason – I’ve been working towards a national writing challenge in which you write 50,000 words of a book in 30 days. That’s what I did all of November, and why I haven’t written any posts in so long. And, I did it!



I actually did it in 27 days, but who’s counting. Then I went to England to visit my parents, and then it’s been relaxing and doing basically nothing for the holidays. I know I’ve been neglecting my blog. I’m back on it now. Well, a bit here, a bit there, at least. This is just a note to say I haven’t forgotten about it. And that I’m still writing the book, so don’t get too excited about reading it anytime soon – and this is just the first draft. But I’m two-thirds of the way there, and that’s two-thirds further than I was when I wrote my last blog post! Wheeee! I’m writing a book!

How did I do it? Well, discipline. I made myself sit down every single day and write 1500-2000 words every single day, weekends included, even if they were crappy words. And a lot of them are crappy words. But some are good. Truthfully, it wasn’t that hard once I made the commitment to do it. Doesn’t that always seem to be the case? And a looming challenge deadline didn’t hurt. Of course, now that the challenge is over, that might explain why I haven’t written more than 500 words on it since. 😉 However, I’m creating a new challenge for myself for January, and that is that the book will be done by January 31st! Whoo hoo!

So I hope you all have had a beautiful Christmas and that you’re looking forward to this horrendous year being over. I know I am. Cheers to 2017!


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